
The body of law that is included in the "Consumer and Commercial Law" is remarkably broad and complicated. While small cases can be brought or defended in Small Claims or Justice of the Peace Courts it is not recommended that a non attorney try to bring or defend a consumer or commercial case in state county or district court or any federal court.

This Firm acts as trial lawyers to help people and companies who find themselves in court or who may be going to court. We have appeared in court on a variety of different types of cases including the following:

  • Insurance
  • Deceptive Trade Practices
  • Fraud
  • Contract
  • Negligence
  • Business Torts
  • Abusive or Unlawful Debt Collection Practices
  • Credit Reporting Problems
  • Breach of Warranty
  • Repossessions
  • Banking or Credit Problems
  • Home Solicitations
  • Truth in Lending
  • Interest Overcharges
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Sex Discrimination
  • Employment Matters
  • Patent and Copyright Infringement

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